a small white triangle logo icon that spins when page is reloaded



A wooden butterfly automata that “flies” by the turning of a wooden dowel.

  • Butterfly and acrylic pieces designed on Adobe Illustrator and cut using a laser cutter
  • Made using a miter saw, band saw, sanding belt, and hand drill
  • Made with birch plywood, wooden dowels, basswood, scrap wood blocks, wood glue, screws, a nut, acrylic, acrylic cement, super glue, acrylic paint, and thread
an image with a top slightly angled view of the orange butterfly automata which has an orange butterfly on top of a wooden triangular base with a dowel control in the middle
an image with a level angled view of the butterfly automata
an image with a head on view of the butterfly automata
a button of a dark green-blue circle with a white triangle in the center pointing upwards that links to the top of the page